
Michael English has been dancing with Dancetheatre since its first performance in 1997. He has been managing Dancetheatre's studio and producing the Company's performance seasons since 2001, and teaches the studio's technique and repertoire to all levels of students.

Michael began dancing at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton, where he then danced for four years with Mile Zero Dance Company, then led by Co-Directors Andrea Rabinovitch and Debra Shantz. After choreographing for playwright Brad Fraser, he got involved in new works for Montreal choreographers Massimo Agostinelli, Lin Snelling and Tassy Teekman.

Eventually Michael moved to Toronto, where he danced with the Danny Grossman Dance Company, originated roles for Allen Kaeja (Old Country) and Julia Sasso (Sporting Life), and performed one last 'cloche' with Joe (American tour) before encountering David Earle in 1996.