Art of Time Ensemble News


The 20/20 Campaign

October 25, 2018

We're proud to announce the launch of the 20/20 Matching Campaign, a first in Art of Time Ensemble's 20-year history.

A handful of lead donors have offered to match up to $20,000 in donations from our audience. We gratefully acknowledge the support of:

- Joan & Jerry Lozinski

- Robert Sirman

- Kevin & Roger Garland

- Rick MacKenzie & Alexandra Rambusch

- Cathal O'Connor

- The estate of Lawrence Ballon

We're humbly looking to you to match their generosity. Your support will help us maintain the momentum and excitement Art of Time Ensemble has been building over the last few years. The 20th Anniversary Season is our largest to date, and we intend to continue in this ambition by engaging in artistic development activities to bring larger projects (like Sound and Colour, for example) to fruition, and touring our works to audiences here in Ontario and further afield.

To make a contribution to the 20/20 Fund, click here to give via Canada Helps or call 647 344 2254 and speak to David or Kate.

With your support, we can make our dreams into a reality we can all celebrate.